Dedicated Audiologists Improving Your Quality of Life

San Antonio, Boerne, Kerrville, Round Rock, and Fredericksburg Hearing Loss Causes & Treatment

Our Audiologists Can Help You Prevent Hearing Loss

Hearing loss can be caused by many things. In most cases, hearing loss is not serious, but it can make your life more difficult. Realizing that your or a loved one has hearing loss is usually a gradual process. These conditions usually develop over time and only become noticeable when they reach a point that the person’s hearing is significantly impaired. Some forms of hearing loss can be treated through medication and/or surgery, but in most cases, patients will need a hearing aid to improve their hearing.

If you believe you or a loved one are having difficulty hearing, call (210) 451-0373 to schedule an appointment with our audiologists in San Antonio and Hill Country.

Signs Someone Is Losing Their Hearing

Identifying hearing loss in the early stages can be challenging. Knowing more about how ears process sound can help you notice signs that someone is losing their hearing. In speech, vowel sounds (a, e, i, o, u) are low pitched and can usually be heard fairly easily. Consonant sounds, particularly the “sh” and “ch” sounds, can be more difficult to pick up. If someone is having a difficult time hearing words with these kinds of sounds, it could be an indicator of early-stage hearing loss.

Other signs of hearing loss include:

  • Sitting very close to the TV or listening to TV or music at high volumes
  • Having difficulty hearing people speak in large crowds
  • Staring very intently at someone to figure out what they’re saying through lip movements
  • Frequent complains that everyone always mumbles
  • Having difficulty answering simple questions

There are two primary types of hearing loss, which we discuss in more detail below.

Conductive Hearing Loss

Conductive hearing loss occurs when there is a problem in the outer and middle part of the ear, which includes the ear canal and eardrum. This form of hearing loss is usually not permanent can typically be treated with medication or surgery.

Common causes of conductive hearing loss:

  • Excess ear wax
  • Abnormal bone growth in ear canal
  • Middle ear tumors
  • Perforated eardrum
  • Ear infections

Sensorineural Hearing Loss

Your inner ear contains several small hairs that play a role in your hearing ability. When these hairs become damaged, your ability to hear becomes permanently impaired. More than 90% of hearing loss is Sensorineural hearing loss. This form of hearing loss cannot be “cured” through medication or surgery, but it can be counteracted with hearing assistance devices like a hearing aid or cochlear implant.

Common causes of sensorineural hearing loss:

  • Prolonged exposure to loud noises
  • Natural wear and tear from aging
  • Certain kinds of medication that are toxic to the inner ear
  • Birth defects
  • Ear infections
  • Side effects of diabetes (diabetes mellitus)

Most Forms of Hearing Loss Are Treatable

Losing your hearing is a natural part of the aging process for many people. Because it is such a prevalent problem worldwide, there has been significant research and development in hearing loss solutions. The most common treatment is a hearing aid prescription. With this simple, minimally invasive device, people with hearing loss can experience significant improvement. Adjusting to a hearing aid can take time, but its functionality improves the more you get used to it.

At Associates of Audiology, our experienced audiologists in San Antonio, Boerne, Kerrville, Fredericksburg, and Round Rock can assess your hearing and help you determine the best course of treatment. Call (210) 451-0373 today to schedule an appointment at any of our seven clinic locations. 

Educated & Trusted

Doctors & Audiology Staff
  1. Independently owned
  2. All insurance accepted
  3. More than 30 years of combined experience
  4. We take time to listen to your needs and concerns
  5. Innovative testing, superior quality, affordability, comfort, and care
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